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DeliVita Chilli Red Wood Fired Pizza Oven

DeliVita Chilli Red Wood Fired Pizza Oven

4.6 175+ online ratings
Regular price £1,395.00
Regular price Sale price £1,395.00
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175+ online ratings
The summary star rating & review is based on aggregated reviews of this product across the web. It cannot be altered by the merchant and can be verified by emailing

Summary of Online Reviews


175+ online ratings
The summary star rating & review is based on aggregated reviews of this product across the web. It cannot be altered by the merchant and can be verified by emailing

What people like

The DeliVita Chilli Red Wood Fired Pizza Oven is a portable and visually appealing outdoor oven that excels at cooking authentic wood-fired pizzas. Users praise its ease of use and ability to reach high temperatures for a perfect crust. However, its portability can compromise heat retention, making it less ideal for cooking multiple pizzas consecutively.


  • Stylish Design: Attractive and modern appearance.
  • Easy to Use: Simple setup and operation.
  • High Temperature: Reaches temperatures suitable for authentic pizza cooking.
  • Quick Cooking: Cooks pizzas efficiently.


  • Limited Heat Retention: May struggle to maintain heat for multiple pizzas.
  • Portability Trade-off: Compact size can affect heat retention.
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